
July 04, 2008
L-Aħbar NewsletterThe July - August 2008 issue of “L-Aħbar” is again online as usual. It contains various news items and articles regarding our province and the Franciscan Order. (more…)

July 02, 2008
MALTA president in the Holy LandThe President of the Republic of Malta, Mr. Edward Fenech Adami, was decorated by the Custos of the Holy Land, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, with the Gold Pilgrim’s Medal. The Maltese President came to Saint Saviour’s Convent during a private visit to the Holy Land. read more

June 28, 2008
Spirtu u Hajja OnlineThe Franciscan Quarterly Cultural Review "Spirtu u Ħajja", no. 85 (July-September 2008) is now on line, and can be downloaded directly on this web-site in the Franciscan Studies section.

June 26, 2008
visit gozo bishop 08On Wednesday 25th June the new definitory gathered at the Gozo friary early in the morning for a definitorial meeting.  Afterwards they went to the Gozo Curia, (more…)

June 19, 2008
S. Anthony SourcesThe Franciscan Friars of the Maltese Province are proudly presenting the volume "Fonti għall-Ħajja ta’ Sant’Antnin ta’ Padova", the third one in the list of publications regarding biographical Sources for the lives of Franciscan Saints in the 13th century. (more…)