
February 23, 2015
On Friday 20th and Saturday 21st, Friars Ramon and Clive visited the Franciscan Sanctuary of Greccio, also known as the Franciscan Sanctuary of the Crib, for their monthly day of recollection, together with the other temporary professed in their fraternity and those of the Roman Province. This time, the reflection was on the Letter of St. Francis to all the Friars of the Order, which he wrote during the two year period before his death. The place itself, very typically Franciscan, and built in an area where the beauty of God's creation can still be enjoyed, is of great help for reflection, prayer and meditation. The Sanctuary of Greccio is indeed spectacular, located at 2000ft on a steep rock overlooking the "Holy Valley", where St.Francis used to wander. We Franciscans counted ...

February 23, 2015
Fr. Norbert Ellul Vincenti ofm has been most kind to share with us some more photos of years gone by. In the first photo taken on the 29th of September 1953 we see him with the late Fr. John Joseph Camilleri ofm. Next he sent us a photo of Fr. Odoric Grima ofm taken sometime in 1957. We have also a photo of a very young Fr. George Aquilina ofm in the company of his father and brother. The young lone footballer is none other than Fr. Norbert ofm himself. He is also seen in the next picture in the company of Fr. Marjanus Vella ofm, poet and Br. Berardus of. We  have also a picture of the football team of our province. The picture taken in 1951 amongst other shows Fr. Serafin Vella ofm, Fr. Joseph Benedict Xuereb ofm, Fr. Fortunatus ofm, Fr. Guzepp (Ottone) Micallef ofm, Fr. John Joseph ...

February 16, 2015
The Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Malta, Bishop Charles J. Scicluna, has nominated the Minister Provincial, Fr. Richard Stanley Grech ofm, as a member of the Foundation for Theological Studies, Malta. This Foundation was founded by Archbishop Emeritus Mons. Joseph Mercieca, on the 26th of September, 1988, with the aim of promoting the study and research of Theology in Malta. Amongst other matters, the Foundation approves the accounts of the previous year and the budget for the following year, and also discusses matters pertaining to the development of study and research in the Theological field in the Archdiocese of Malta. Mons. Scicluna chose Fr. Richard ofm, that the latter may bring to the service of the Foundation his experience as a former parish priest, school ...

February 09, 2015
Friar Alessandro, OFM from Assisi is currently in Malta for two concerts: one in Floriana and one in Rabat. Friar Alessandro had some time to visit the Franciscan Convent in Rabat and interviewed on his vocation. See video below (English and Italian). On the 7th February he sang live at The Floriana Parish Church - Floriana accompanied by The Vilhena Concert Band together with Harpist Anne Marie Camilleri Podesta under the direction of Mro.Heathcliffe Balzan and Supported by Soprano Ruth Sammut Casingena and Tenor Arthur Micallef.  This concert was in aid of The Community Chest Fund under The Patronage of Her Excellency The President of Malta. On the 9th February the 36-year old Italian tenor and Franciscan friar is participating in the annual 9 February concert held in St ...

January 24, 2015
In the Letter of Convocation of the Chapter, the Minister General has recalls the importance of the participation and cooperation of the whole Order, through prayer, in the success of the 2015 General Chapter: “I warmly invite each Brother of the Order to pray intensely, to think wisely and prepare responsibly for this key event in our life and mission.” The Secretariat of the Chapter has prepared some formulas for prayer, to be inserted in the breviary, and to be recited each day. These include brief prayer intentions to be used at the end of the intercessions of Lauds and Vespers, and a choice of prayers for the fraternity, to start at the beginning of Lent. The successful outcome of the General Chapter is linked to, and relies on, the prayers of all the Order, of each ...