
May 16, 2014
In the morning we started the session with a prayer of Friar Thomas from Celano to St. Francis. Then Fr Marcellino Micallef ofm read the Final Document of the Chapter followed by some observations by the friars. In the afternoon the friars voted for the new Provincial Administration: Newly elected Minister Provincial: Fr Richard Grech ofm Newly elected Vicar Provincial: Fr. Marcellino Micallef ofm Newly elected Definitors: Fr. Twanny Chircop ofm Fr. Martin Coleiro ofm Fr. Stephen Sciberras ofm Fr. Anton Farrugia ofm. Congratulations!

May 15, 2014
In the morning we started the session with a prayer of Friar Thomas from Celano to St. Francis followed by workshops. After the workshops the Secretaries of the workshops read the reports that were discussed during the Workshops. The themes treated during the workshops were: Fraternity Living Communion in Prayer and Minority, Fraternity in a Journey, and Fraternity sent to Evangelize. After the presentations the friars discussed the proposals. Later on the President of the Chapter, Fr. Salvatore Ferro, presided a concelebrated Mass. In the afternoon the friars voted for the proposals that were composed during the workshops and voted for them. Evening prayers concluded the forth day of the Provincial Chapter.

May 15, 2014
In the morning we started the session with a prayer of Friar Thomas from Celano to St. Francis. Fr. Salvatore Ferro, President of the Chapter delivered his report followed by discussions. Later on the Provincial Vicar, Fr. Richard Stanley Grech, presided a concelebrated Mass. In the afternoon, after the opening prayer, workshops started. Evening prayers concluded the third day of the Provincial Chapter.

May 13, 2014
In the morning we started the session with a prayer of Friar Thomas from Celano to St. Francis. Then the first report of the Secretary for Formation was presented by Fr. Stephen Sciberras ofm. This report was followed by the report of the Secretary for Evangelization read by Bro. Lorrie Zerafa ofm. Later on the Minister Provincial Fr. Sandro Overend ofm presided a concelebrated Mass. In the afternoon, after the opening prayer, the Provincial Bursar, Fr. Richard Stanley Grech ofm and the Provincial Accountant, Mr. Paul Camilleri delivered their reports. Evening prayers concluded the second day of the chapter.

May 12, 2014
Franciscan Provincial Chapter held at the Porziuncola Retreat House in Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq began! In the morning of the 12th of May 2014, H.E. Bishop Mario Grech delivered his presentation: How I see the local Church today (Kif nara l-Knisja lokali llum). Later on the bishop presided a concelebrated Mass of the Holy Spirit together with all the friars present at the Provincial Chapter. In the afternoon, after the opening prayer, the Minister General’s message was read to the friars present at the chapter followed by the messages sent by the English Speaking Conference of the Order of the Friars Minor and the Poor Clares. Then the Minister Provincial, Fr. Sandro Overend ofm read his report followed by clarifications and discussions. Evening prayers concluded the first day of the ...