
May 12, 2014
It-Tnejn, 12 ta’ Mejju 9.00 Roll Call 9.15 Riflessjoni mill-Isqof Mario Grech; wara, riflessjoni personali 11.00 Quddiesa tal-Ispirtu s-Santu (Imexxi: l-Isqof) 12.30 Pranzu 15.30 Ċelebrazzjoni għall-ftuħ tal-Kapitlu (Imexxi: Fr Salvatore Ferro, Viżitatur Ġenerali u President tal-Kapitlu) Roll Call, Rules of Procedure (preżentazzjoni u approvazzjoni), qari tal-messaġġ mill-Ministru Ġeneral, tweġiba tal-Kapitlu, preżentazzjoni tal-Uffiċċjali tal-Kapitlu (Imexxi: is-Segretarju tal-Kapitlu) 16.00 Moderatur: Fr Twanny Chircop Rapport tal-Ministru Provinċjal (Fr Sandro Overend) 16.30 Waqfa 17.00 Kjarifiki u diskussjoni 18.30 Talba tal-Għasar 19.00 Ċena It-Tlieta, 13 ta’ Mejju 9.00 Roll Call 9.15 Moderatur: Fr Ray Scicluna Rapport tas-Segretarjat għall-Formazzjoni ...

May 12, 2014
The May 2014 issue of “OFM-LINK” is again online. It contains various news items and articles regarding our province and the Franciscan Order. For more info click OFM-LINK on the above bar to download or click here

April 25, 2014
Con-celebration presided by the Most Rev. Minister General, Fr. Michael Anthony Perry OFM at St. Mary of the Angels Church in Bahar ic-Caghaq, commemorating the 100 years of the Maltese OFM Franciscan Province “1914-2014” (more…)

April 24, 2014
On the 23 April, a celebration with the Poor Clares was held for the centenary of our OFM Province together with our Minister General, the Most Rev. Fr. Michael Anthony Perry OFM. (more…)

April 17, 2014
The April 2014 issue of “OFM-LINK” is again online. It contains various news items and articles regarding our province and the Franciscan Order. For more info click OFM-LINK on the above bar to download or click here