
April 11, 2012
Illum wara nofs inhar miet P. Guido fid-dar tal-Kleru, B'Kara. Taghrif: Joseph, son of Paul and Maria Dolores Gatt Twelid Sliema 29 ta' Settembru 1923, beda n-novizzjat 9 t' Ottubru 1938, professjoni temporanja 15 t' Ottubru 1939, professjoni solenni 1 ta' Novembru 1944 u ordinazzjoni 13 ta' Marzu 1948, S. Th. D., S. Script. L. (more…)

March 31, 2012
It is quite a long time now, that humanity seems to be immersed into economic problems and a kind of mechanical give and take attitudes with each other and with the whole world. Time is being absorbed  by the frantic speed of work, of careers, together with the worries of tomorrow and the ones that cover the years to come. (more…)

March 05, 2012
The March2012 issue of “OFM-LINK” is again online. It contains various news items and articles regarding our province and the Franciscan Order. For more info click OFM-LINK on the above bar to download or click here.

February 23, 2012
Five Friars working in our Libya Mission have just ended their yearly On-going Formation in week in Malta, organised between the 13th and 20th of February. Participating in this week were Friars Allan Arrabuche OFM (From the Philippines - Guardian of our Tripoli Friary and Vicar General), (more…)

February 08, 2012
The February 2012 issue of “OFM-LINK” is again online. It contains various  news items and articles regarding our province and the Franciscan Order. For more info click OFM-LINK on the above  bar to download or click here.  