
January 11, 2012
On the 1st January, Solemnity of the Mother of God, Bishop Sylvester Magro, Apostolic Vicar of Benghasi, blessed a new gilded stellario that was once again affixed to the titular painting of the Benghasi Cathedral, dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. The blessing took place during the 10.30am Mass celebration and was a great occasion of joy for the Catholic Community of Benghasi. (more…)

January 06, 2012
The January 2012 issue of “OFM-LINK” is again online. It contains various  news items and articles regarding our province and the Franciscan Order.  The present issue has information on St. Clare, the visit of the Custos of the Holy land, together with other news  from the province and more. For more info click OFM-LINK on the above  bar to download or click here.

December 24, 2011
The Franciscan Friars of the Maltese Province wish you all a Blessed and a Happy Christmas followed by a joyous New Year 2012. (more…)

December 09, 2011
The December 2011 issue of “OFM-LINK” is again online. It contains various  news items and articles regarding our province and the Franciscan Order.  The present issue has information on the Christmas and St. Clare, message of Mgr Sylvester Magro, the 25th Anniversary of the Sprit of Assisi, together with other news  from the province and more. For more info click OFM-LINK on the above  bar to download or click here.

December 05, 2011
On 1-4 December Fr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa ofm, Custos of the Holy Land, came on a visit to Malta. He was invited by Fr. Anthony Chircop ofm, Holy Land Commissary in Malta. During his visit the Custos met the Archbishop Mgr. Paul Cremona, the Bishop of Gozo Mgr. Mario Grech, the Apostolic Nuncio Mgr. Tommaso Caputo. (more…)