
March 13, 2010
'OFM-LINK' is the new name of the Newsletter that deals with the news of the Province.  'OFM-LINK' replaces 'L-Aħbar' Newsletter which saw various editors throughout the years.  OFM-LINK Editor is the Provincial Secretary Fr. Alex Borg OFM.  In this Issue one can read about the Franciscan Pentecost, St. John from Triora, Lectio Divina, the Franciscan and the Dominicans and various news items from the province and the Order. For more info click OFM-LINK on the above bar to download or click here

March 12, 2010
On Friday evening, ‘The Miraculous Crucifix’ will be exposed for prayer at the Valletta Franciscan church (Ta’ Ġieżu where the Crucifix is kept for private and personal daily veneration. During the various celebrations of the Eucharist, catechises on the Sacrament of reconciliation, will be given after each Mass. A prayer of healing will be said in front of the Miraculous Crucifix. This exposition is being done in preparation for the visit of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI and to pray for the clergy during the year of the Priest.

March 12, 2010
Fr Norbert Ellul Vincenti will be today, celebrating his 50th Anniversary of his priesthood. During these years of priesthood he served the province as a Definator, Superior in Sicily, and as a teacher of the English Language and Literature for Franciscan students together with teaching English at various local schools. He also served as a vicar at our Sliema Parish Church. (more…)

March 12, 2010
Thanks to the hard work of Fr. Richard Stanley Grech, OFM and the friars with the workers at Bahar ic-Caghaq, the Chapel at the Porziuncola Retreat House in Bahar ic-Caghaq has been refurbished. Damages which were reported to us as dangerous were totally restored. (more…)

March 02, 2010
The friars had a fraternal meeting directed by Fr. Giacomo Bini OFM. The reflection took about fifty minutes. Fr  Giacomo  encouraged all the friars to continue working together and study thoroughly the challenges that they meet every day. He said, that the Gospel, which we are bound to live together in the heart of the Church, is lived totally  in daily community and personal prayer. (more…)