
March 12, 2010
Proziuncola Ret. Hse Chapel refurbished

Thanks to the hard work of Fr. Richard Stanley Grech, OFM and the friars with the workers at Bahar ic-Caghaq, the Chapel at the Porziuncola Retreat House in Bahar ic-Caghaq has been refurbished. Damages which were reported to us as dangerous were totally restored. Lights, liturgical furnishings, the P.A. system etc., were put up to standard in line with the Spirit of St. Francis that recommended the friars to have special care for the places of worship.

Porziuncola Chapel

The work began immediately after the Christmas recess in January and took nine weeks. This is the first part of the restoration works that are being scheduled during the year. The Chapel, being the heart of the Retreat House has been successfully completed, Fr. Richard said. The second part of the restoration works, to be completed within a few weeks, he continued, is the Garden of St. Francis, where several plants, trees and flowers are being planted and the whole area of the garden is being organized for the people in prayer to enjoy during their stay at the retreat house.

Special thanks to Fr. Richard, the Frairs, the Administrator and all the workers at the Retreat House.