
December 27, 2009
For each friary Christmas time brings with it an amount of work. The Churches have to be decorated and great care is taken to organize the Midnight Mass to the least detail. Various fraternities organize vigil services, with the Office of Readings. Outside of the liturgy, other religious-cultural events are organized, including Christmas plays, readings, Carol services. (more…)

December 23, 2009
On the 19th December Fr Stephen Magro was ordained deacon by Mgr. Magro Grech, Bishop of Gozo.  The Solemn Mass started at 10:00am at the Franciscan Church at Ghajsielem Gozo.  Franciscan friars, family members, and the congregation packed the church. In his homily, Mgr Bishop Mario Grech stressed the importance of the role of the deacon to preach the Gospel using his energy and from the deep sentiments of his heart as the world we are living in today, needs persons like Saint Francis to be strong in what they preach and in their faithful duty to the service of the church.  (more…)

December 23, 2009
On the 18th December, a vigil of prayers was held at Ghajnsielem Parish Church in preparation for the ordination, of Fr Stephen Magro OFM, as deacon.  At 6:00pm Holy Mass was celebrated by the Provincial Minister Father Sandro Overend OFM.  Soon after Mass, a vigil of prayers, which was presided by the Archpriest, Fr Frankie Bajada, proceeded. (more…)

December 10, 2009
The December 2009 issue of “L-Aħbar” is again online as usual. It contains various news items and articles regarding our province and the Franciscan Order. The present issue has information on the Franciscan Pentecost, the Priest, the Visit of the Minister General, together with other news from the province and more. For more info click Aħbar on the above bar to download or click here.

December 05, 2009
During the Saturdays of Advent, the Monastery of the Poor Clares at St. Julians, will be organizing a prayer vigil.  These religious prayers at night will consist of the singing of liturgical hymns, psalms and canticles together with readings from the Holy Gospel and from the Fathers of the Church according to the liturgical Tradition of the Church. These vigil (prayer) meetings will take place every Saturday during Advent at 8.00pm at the monastery’s Chapel in Mikiel A. Vassali Street, St. Julians.  Everyone is invited to attend this unique prayer experience.  For those using private transport, parking is provided.