
December 27, 2009
Christmas time…

For each friary Christmas time brings with it an amount of work. The Churches have to be decorated and great care is taken to organize the Midnight Mass to the least detail. Various fraternities organize vigil services, with the Office of Readings. Outside of the liturgy, other religious-cultural events are organized, including Christmas plays, readings, Carol services.

Many of these are organized by Alter Boys, Chior members, the Secular Franciscan Order and other lay volunteers who give a helping hand. The traditional procession with the Baby Jesus is celebrated just before midnight and then, according to an old Maltese tradition, a young boy or girl gives a small “sermon” (priedka tal-Milied). This is followed by the solemn Eucharist of the Christmas night.
On the last day of the civil year a Thanksgiving Mass is celebrated with the singing of the Te Deum hymn and Eucharistic benediction, in which we thank God for the past year and pray for peace during the new year. Then all celebrate the coming of the New Year at midnight.

We would like to wish you all a happy Christmas and prosperous New Year, full of peace and good will.

Here we are adding an audio file with the sermon (priedka tal-Milied) which incorporated acting and singing from our Franciscan Chruch in Gozo.  (click here)