
June 01, 2007
Tasca OFM ConvFr. Marco Tasca is the new Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor Conventuals on 26 May 2007. He belongs to the Province of St. Anthony in Padua. Fr. Mario was born on June 9, 1957 at Sant’Angelo di Piove, at Padua. He entered the Order at Camposampiero on September 29, 1968, (more…)

May 11, 2007
provsm.jpgThe Minister Provincial Fr. Paul Galea OFM has began his last canonical visitation before next year's provincial chapter. The Provincial is taking the opportunity to meet all friars and talk with them on their work and on the province in general. (more…)

May 02, 2007
L-Aħbar NewsletterThe May 2007 issue of “L-Aħbar” is again online as usual. It contains various news items and articles regarding our province and the Franciscan Order. (more…)

April 28, 2007
provsem0407.jpgOn Saturday morning the friars gethered at the Porziuncola Retreat House for a seminar. As this month coincided with the day for Vocations, which is being celebrated this weekend (4th Sunday of Easter) the theme for this seminar dealt specifically with vocations. (more…)

April 26, 2007
NovicesWe students (Joseph Ciappara and Walter Vassallo) have been longing for such an experience for quite a while. Thankfully our province presented us the opportunity to do a hermitage for a second time after the one we had done at Gozo by Fr Noel Muscat ofm on the Hermitage rule by St. Francis. (more…)