
April 28, 2007
Provincial Seminar

provsem0407.jpgOn Saturday morning the friars gethered at the Porziuncola Retreat House for a seminar. As this month coincided with the day for Vocations, which is being celebrated this weekend (4th Sunday of Easter) the theme for this seminar dealt specifically with vocations.

After a moment of prayer and the reading of the message of Pope Benedict XVI for the day for Vocations, we began with the first session which was conducted by Ms Joyce, who is a presenter of a TV and radio religious programme talk on how the lay people view the religious and what they expect from them.

After a short break the second session began, which was dedicated to the initial formation. Fr. Joseph Magro gave a view of all the work that is being done at the moment to promote Vocations, and the friars present also gave some ideas on what can be done more and where they can be of help. The two students then gave a brief idea of the hermitage experence they had in Sicily and afterwards Fr. Provincial gave his experence on the latest visit he had in Lithuania.

provincial seminar April 2007

provincial seminar April 2007

provincial seminar April 2007

provincial seminar April 2007

provincial seminar April 2007

provincial seminar April 2007