
September 09, 2006
fradiegu.jpgFr. George Aquilina OFM, historian and archivist of the Maltese Franciscan Province, has just published a new biography of the Maltese Franciscan philantropist Fra Diego Bonanno (1831-1902). The new book is entitled: "Fra Diegu Bonanno: Il-Frangiskan li haseb fil-fqir u l-batut". (more…)

September 09, 2006
betlehem.jpgFr. Noel Muscat OFM has been transferred from the friary of Saint Saviour in Jerusalem to that of the Nativity in Bethlehem as Master of Novices of the Holy Land Custody. Fr. Noel has been in the Holy Land since November 2004. His office is that of Secretary for Formation and Studies of the Holy Land Custody. (more…)

September 07, 2006
joswalter.jpgOn 5 September, exactly one year after they entered the Franciscan Order as Novices, Brothers Joseph Ciappara and Walter Vassallo have arrivedi in Malta from Rome. During this year they lived in the Novitiate house of San Damiano in Assisi. At the airport they were welcomed by the Franciscan Fraternity (more…)

August 31, 2006
ahbar0906.jpgThe September issue of "L-Aħbar" is online as usual. It contains various news items and articles regarding our province and the Franciscan Order. (more…)

August 13, 2006
vokactivity2.jpgOn the 19th August another Vocational Activity is going to take place at the Porziuncola Retreat House. For this activity all boys from Year 6 up are invited to attend. The activity will began at 10 with prayer and vocational meeting together with a film, and at noon we will be serving Burger and sausages to all (more…)