
April 17, 2009
Earthquake in Abruzzo

Earthquake in AbruzzoThe Minister Provincial, in the name of the Franciscan Friars of Malta, wrote to the Friars in Abruzzo, Italy were in the last weeks an earthquake devastated homes, churches and friaries, and over two hundred people are dead and others injured.  In his letter the Minister Provincial said that in the difficlut moment the Province is united in prayer and that the Risen Chirst will give the courage needed to the Franciscan friars in this region.  On the other hand the Franciscans of Abruzzo replied by thanking the Maltese Province for being so close in these moments of difficulty.

Here we are attaching the original eMail in Italian

Carissimo P. Virgilio,

Vi siamo tutti vicini in questo momento di dolore specialmente con le
famiglie che hanno sofferto la perdita dei loro familiari, parenti e amici
nel terremoto successo Lunedì. Con Cristo Risorto, nostra Pasqua, auguriamo
di cuore a tutti coraggio e speranza in Cristo nostro Salvatore, di poter,
con tutti gli abruzzesi, ricominciare…..
La Vergine Santa, vi accompagni e vi protegga tutti!!

con fraterna amicizia,
p. sandro e tutti i frati qui a Malta