
February 17, 2010
Provincial Message for Lent

Lent, adoring the Holy Cross and living our conversion in Christ our Saviour

Times change! Life changes ! Even the climate is changing! Surely we are all involved in these changes. Whether our involvement in these changes is directly or indirectly…. that is another question. The fact that “change” plays a very important role in our lives is confirmed and shared by the majority of us.

A time that helps us meditate on the changes that occur around us, or have got to occur in the near future, is the Lent season. Maybe the word “conversion” helps us understand better the way to re-act to these continuous changes in society and the environment. We ourselves, have a  need to change!

One of the speakers at the Brussels’ UFME meeting, which had a remarkable impact on us all, said that the world today, or better the people that meet us Franciscan friars, are expecting from us not only ethical or moral sermons, but want to see our life sowed in “conversion”.

There is a great need to understand that the people and society itself is urging us to live our life “sic et simplicter”. This means that we have the responsibility to offer a sound fraternity in a world of individualism; to live the Lord’s peace in a society urging for serenity; to pray together as friends and forming part of a big family founded by Francis of Assisi, in a world thirsty for the true meaning of life and love; to embrace simplicity in a wonderful technological world; to live in humility and joy in a very hectic life; to be near and care for all the poor that suffer the wounds of a stressed but noble society.

Pope John Paul II defined the Franciscans friars as the friars of the people. Pope Benedict XVI re-confirmed this statement more than once. This is a time where we can continue living our conversion in the heart of the Church. We are called to do so! It is our responsibility to live what we have promised to God and to the Church, because we are bound to live and preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God. (Mk,1,1). Nemo dat quod non habet: no-one can give anything of something he does not behold. And brothers, we can live our vocation and our mission only if we are united in the LORD.

Our reaction to the changes that happen around us in society is the continuous “conversion” of our hearts, attitudes, thoughts, lives etc… We can do it all; we can go all the way because Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary, saved us. He gave us a new life through His passion, death and resurrection. Jesus died on the Cross for our salvation. He is the Christ, the Way, the  Truth and Life…

For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate;

He suffered, died,
and was buried. On the third day He
rose again in fulfillment of the

May the season of Lent, that prepares us to celebrate Easter, be for us friars and for all, an experience of the presence and Love of God in the sacraments, in prayer, in sacrifices and in unity. May you all have a holy Lent season.

Fr. Sandro Overend OFM
Minister Provincial