
October 02, 2006
New Postulants

postulants06.jpgOn 2nd October two new Postulants began their journey in the Franciscan Order. Joseph Cilia from Qormi and Aaron Abdilla from Mellieħa, after a good number of years part of the Vocational team and after discerning their call, have decided to began their two years of postulancy.

During a concelebrated Mass Fr. Julian Sammut OFM, vicar provincial, said that in today’s world young people who have the courage to say yes to God’s call are diminishing and gave the example of Joseph and Aaron of two young men who are generous and answer God’s calling. All we need is an open heart to accept God’s call. He gave various examples with the life of St. Francis and St. Clare, saying that these two Saints, in spite of the difficulties of their times, left everything and followed God’s Call.

After the Mass a simple celebration of the giving of the TAU to these new Candidates took place. The TAU sign is a Bibical symbol of the cross which was very dear to Saint Francis. Then there was the blessing of the TAU and of the candidates. After the celebration the families of these candidates were invited for a small reception and to see the seminary where Joseph and Aaron will live.









