
March 27, 2010
Provincial Message for Easter

In our daily lives, it is very easy to dictate and to point fingers. Can we find any merit at all in such circumstances? The answer to this is, NO !

Actually, this is really shameful, if we really know what the Gospel is asking of us. Surely it is more laudable, especially in our times, to imitate the humility and caring of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Redeemer. Let’s try to reflect what we can do in the coming days.

The Passion week encourages us to,
– abhor envy that, according to Origen…. it is the all the work of Satan
– consequently, to put aside divisions, which in fact, are procured by the evil one
– respect the ideas and convictions of others without pretending to be the only ones to save the world and to have every answer for everything – there is ONE Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary

– be a Christian in the strict sense of the word – and to do so, we have to try our utmost to live the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Church-adore the Crucified Christ – He saved us through His passion, death and Resurrection
– live our daily life in the Resurrected Christ, experiencing His Love and His saving power in the Sacraments

– the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) and the Eucharist, and so, be messengers of peace to all our brothers and sisters
– pray for, and love the Catholic Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ, the true Leader of Humanity and of the “story of mankind”…. He died for us! He gave us true life ! Our respect and heartfelt prayers to Pope Benedict XVI at these times of trial and purification in the Church confirms our unity in the Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ.
It is fatigue, sacrifice, love and humility that wins over the situations that are not in our control. In order to accomplish this attitude, we need to be clear on one point: it is absolutely of Divine origin and not of human misery to lead a holy life and eventually, be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Do we really want to be His disciples? God is continually calling us to do so.

This is the week… this is the Holy Week where, in silence, we can discern our faith, our attitudes in a world thirsty of holiness and peace with challenges to bear, such as the many abuses of moral ethics in journalism around the globe, the lack of attention and caring towards the elderly, the poor, the seriously ill, the ones that suffer silently and are wounded of human misery. God sees, God knows beyond our limits!!

May we turn to the Resurrected Christ and continue to proclaim Him our true LEADER, our Saviour. May we experience, in the teachings of His word, of the Pope and the Catholic Church, our true discipleship of Jesus.

Brothers and sisters, I wish you all a Happy and especially, a HOLY Easter.

Fr. Sandro