
May 14, 2010
First Human Rights Award to ‘Father of Peace’

Franciscans International Presents First Human Rights Award to ‘Father of Peace’

“No one better than Franciscans can play the role for peace,” advocated Rev. Fr. Dionysius Mintoff OFM, of the Franciscan OFM Province in Malta, as he received the inaugural Franciscans International (FI) Human Rights Award at their office in Geneva, Switzerland on 9 April 2010.
The President of FI, Fr. John Doctor OFM, presented Fr. Mintoff, with this important award to honor his co-founding Franciscans International and his lifetime passion to promote human rights and peace.

In 1982, Fr Mintoff was one of two Franciscans who simultaneously shared the dream of Franciscans working for justice at the United Nations (UN). Just one year later, Franciscans International (FI) was founded as the first shared ministry of the Franciscan Family and began working to protect the vulnerable, the forgotten and the wounded planet. In 1995 FI gained  General Consultative Status at the UN to address injustice and influence decision makers with and on behalf of the Franciscan Family who work with the poor.

“I want to thank God for the work of Franciscans International,” continued Fr. Mintoff. “I planted the seed, God watered it and many people have made it grow. I can’t believe how many people are involved. I thank them as well. It is uniting many religious orders who are doing it as a mission.”

In 2009 FI worked with Franciscans to successfully address at the UN the following issues, among others:

Pakistan: Communal violence affecting the Christian minority with victims burned alive and over 70 houses looted and destroyed. Some churches and religious sanctuaries were destroyed.

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Forced evictions of over 300 families; challenged extra-judicial killings and the effects of armed violence.

Portugal: Raised the issue of Trafficking in persons; domestic violence; and the rights of disabled persons.

Sri Lanka: Protection of civilians during prolonged conflict.

Sweden: Migrant street children.

“You can’t stop here; you have to look for new challenges,” enthused Fr. Mintoff who, as the Founder and now Chairman of the ‘Peace Lab’ in Malta’, is deeply involved in working with African refugees and gives regular teachings on the organization’s radio station. “We have to be more active where there is suffering and problems, for example in Africa. Go to the minorities, bring them back to society and give them back their dignity.”