
January 12, 2007
Fr. Marcello on ‘Haddieħor’
haddiehor.jpgOn 7th January Archbishop-elect Mons. Paul Cremona OP, was the guest of a Sunday’s Religious Programme entitled ‘HADDIEĦOR’ in which Fr. Marcello Ghirlando OFM is a permanent guest.

In the picture below we see the Sunday’s Religious Programme HADDIEĦOR team together with Archbishop elect Mons. Paul Cremona OP. The Archbishop was invited as the special guest and was present throughout the whole programme presented by Marthese Brincat of CAM Productions International.

Also present in the photo are Fr. Louis Mallia MSSP, Director of CPI and Fr. Marcello Ghirlando OFM, permanent guest of HADDIEĦOR.