
October 01, 2010
New Postulant

On the 29th September, Gerald Xuereb started his journey in the Franciscan way of Life. Gerald, who is 36 years old and who comes from Hamrun went through a time of discernment to ascertain his religious and Franciscan call. In the light of his discernment, he started his year as a postulant. Gerald was a member of the Hamrun group ‘GIFRA’.

The celebration of the Eucharist was held at our Franciscan Church ‘Saint Mary of Jesus’ in Valletta. It was during this celebration that Gerald was welcomed to form part of the Franciscan family.

During Holy Mass, the Provincial Minister, Fr Sando Overend OFM, referred to saints who had similar callings to follow Christ just as Gerard was answering to his call to say yes to the vocation that the Lord was calling him to follow. The Provincial stressed the important aspects of the faith and the disposition to be ready when the Lord calls; just as Saint Paul did. Another comparison was the life of Saint Francis who, as a young man, lacking nothing felt the turmoil and the conflict within himself, after experiencing the call from the crucifix in ‘San Damian’ who told Francis: “ Francis go and repair my church” Francis’ disposition was immediate as immediate was the change in the life of the rich young man. Moreover, the present Pope Benedict XVI, referring to Saint Francis called him ‘a giant’ when pointing out his unique life of holiness. Gerald too is being called to follow in the steps of the Saint.

The Provincial Minister ended his homily by stating that for Gerald, the time has come to explore the Franciscan way of life during the coming year; that is, live to the full community life, work, study and prayer which are the ingredients needed to live a life in a community. In its composition, community life will offer the important sense of belonging to a family. Gerald is now called to discover and delve in what the church teaches as the basis of religious life and finally acquire the importance and the meaning of what it takes to live a fraternal life. The Provincial could not but mention the immense value of the Immaculate conception – the Virgin Mary who accepted the call from God and how important it is to pray to her when help is needed and during difficult moments.

After the celebration of the Eucharist a simple celebration which is the giving of the TAU to this new candidate took place. (The TAU sign is a Biblical symbol of the cross which was very dear to Saint Francis) The new candidate was blessed as he received the TAU.