
October 09, 2010
Updated: The 25th Anniversary of Episcopal Ordination

(Pictures added) On the 4th of October His Excellence Bishop Giovanni Martinelli celebrated his 25th Anniversary of Episcopal Ordination.  Father Marcellino Micallef left for Libya on behalf of the Provincial Minister to be present for the celebration of this important event.

His Excellency Mgr. Giovanni Martinelli OFM is the Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli, Titular Bishop of Tabuda. He was born in Tarhuna in Libya on the 5th February 1942. He was received as a friar by the order of Friars Minor and made his Solemn Profession on the 25th October 1964.  Monsignor Martinelli, was ordained priest in Salerno Italy on the 28th June 1967.  He was nominated Bishop on the 3rd May 1985, and was consecrated bishop in the Church of Saint of Assisi, in Tripoli on the 4th October 1985.