
May 13, 2011
Provincial Chapter: Day 5

Being the last day of the Provincial Chapter, the celebration of the Eucharist was held at 9.30pm.  The Provincial Minister was the main celebrant with all other Friars celebrating with him.  Holy Eucharist was celebrated in honour of the Blessed Mary of Fatima.  During his initial message the Provincial Minister invited everyone to pray for the repose of the souls of Friars who have passed away including the last loss – that of Fr John Abela.  He invited us also to pray for the ‘English Speaking Conference’ to whom he had promised our prayers during our Provincial Chapter.

During his homily, the Provincial focused on the importance of our encounter during this chapter, the result of which, we managed to better define our priorities for the future. He also stressed on the importance, that we as Fathers, should aim at being the friars of the people; and to proclaim the Gospel to all people especially the emerginised ones in our society.  He concluded by saying that we are Franciscan friars in motion, looking ahead to guide ourselves and others to return to the house of God the Father.

At the end of Mass the Provincial Minister presented to us a new book: ‘Oremus’, which is a book containing Franciscan Prayers and Blessings. He wanted us to keep this book as a token of this Chapter. He had words of thanks for the work done by: Fr Marcellino Micallef, Fr Anton Farrugia, Fr Ivo Tonna, Fr John Azzopardi, and Fr Joseph Magro.

After a short break the assembly gathered for the election of the new Provincial Counsellors ‘Definitors’. The result of the elected Provincial Counsellors ‘Definitors’ is:  Fr Anton farrugia, Fr Marcello Ghirlando, Fr Lorrie Zerafa, and Fr Eddie Pace.  The session finished at 1.00pm; after which all the friars gathered for lunch.


Provincial homily: [audio:|titles=ProvHomily]