
September 16, 2011
Fr. Richard instituted as the new Parish Priest

On 6th September 2011, during a Solemn Mass, Fr. Richard Stanley Grech was instituted as the new Parish Priest of the Franciscan Parish Church of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (Madonna tas-Sacro Cuor) in Tas-Sliema. The Mass was presided by his grace the Archbishop of Malta, Mgr. Paul Cremona O.P. The Franciscan Friars, the Tas-Sliema and Balluta Parish Priests and other priests concelebrated.

During the homily, the Archbishop explained the pastoral ministry of the parish priest in the Church today, and encouraged all the members of the local Christian community to cooperate with their new Pastor. Fr. Richard takes over the parish ministry after Fr. Joe Caruana, now the guardian of the Valletta friary.

We congratulate fr. Richard and augur him the Blessings of the Lord in his new ministry.