
January 15, 2012
Visit of H. Em. Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco in our “Proziuncola retreat House”

His Eminence, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, together with 25 Parish Priests and Priests of Genova’s Archdiocese in Italy, have been visiting Malta in the past week as part of their yearly formation activities, this year’s week of formation being, “On the footsteps of St. Paul”.

They were welcomed at our “Porziuncola Retreat House” in Bahar ic-Caghaq by Fr. Stephen Sciberras, OFM, Rector of the Retreat House, by the Minister Provincial Fr. Sandro Overend and by the Vicar Provincial, Fr Richard S. Grech OFM. A joyous farewell lunch, prepared by our Chef, Mr. Steve Caruana, was given on Thursday 12th January, marking also the birthday of His Eminence, to be celebrated on Saturday 14th.

Auguri to H. Em. Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco and an “Arrivederci” to all.