
February 01, 2012

Għeruqna – Our Roots is the name given to two new DVD’s on the Holy Land being prepard for schools and groups. The DVD’s contain 25 video clips that present the different sanctuaries and Holy Places in the Holy Land. Each clip contains a historical presentation, a biblical text and and an actualisation for everyday life. The clips are intended for schools and catechism groups of children and youth. The Holy Places included, amongs others, are Nazareth, Betlehem, ‘Ain Karem, Cana, Lake Galilee, Tabor, Gethsemene, Holy Sepulchre, Ascension, Mount Sion etc.

The DVD’s have been commissioned by the Malta Bible Society and the United Bible Societies. They are being produced by Fr. Louis Mallia MSSP and Marthese Brincat of CAM Productions International (CPI), together with Fr. Marcello Ghirlando OFM in lieu with the Commissariat of the Holy Land. Fr. Marcello has written the scripts of the video clips.

They will be officially launched at the end of February in conjunction with the General Conference of the Secretaries for Bible Societies in Europe and the Middle East, which will be held in Malta.