
October 03, 2012
Feast of St. Francis of Assisi

This day, the 4th of October, reminds us of a Saint that attracted so many followers through the centuries. St. Francis of Assisi, humble and poor, honest and sincere, radical to live the Gospel and filled with enthusiasm to follow Christ, is putting in front of the changing world a challenge…….. to live the Gospel and feel the presence of the Living God in our daily lives.

Why is this a challenge ? Because society seems to have all the answers to every question and also the solution to every problem.

But is this a fact ? Is society really self dependant ? Isn’t there a hollow that pertains to the spiritual life of the human being that badly needs attention? Is happiness being lived because the soul is being enriched through faith, or is it just a temporary sensation taking into consideration that we are living in a world of sensationalisms ?
I wish all could experience the happiness of being filled with the Spirit of the Lord, through Faith.

May this celebration of the feast of St. Francis help us continue discovering the love for simplicity, the power of humility, the richness of silence, the happiness of friendship, the light and courage emanating from the Gospel….. the saving power of the Blessed Sacraments, the miracle of Creation….. just as St. Francis did after his conversion.

I wish you all a Happy feast !

fr. Sandro Overend OFM
Minister Provincial