
October 29, 2012
Centenary Celebration in Benghasi

Friday 19th October will be a day to remember for the Apostolic Vicariate in Benghasi. The two communities of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Ivrea celebrated their hundred years of presence in Benghasi, at the service of the sick and suffering, in two of the medical institutions in the city.

For this centenary occasion the Catholic community celebrated a Mass of thanksgiving at 10.30am in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Benghasi. The Mass was led by the Apostolic Nuncio for Malta and Libya, His Grace Archbishop Tommaso Caputo together with the Apostolic Vicar for Benghasi, His Grace Bishop Sylvester Magro OFM. Concelebrating mass with the Bishops were the Franciscan Friars serving in Benghasi and Beida, namely Fr. Alan Reyes Castillo OFM, Fr. Ragheb Marzouk OFM and Fr. Piotr Borkowski OFM. The Apostolic Vicariate of Tripoli was represented by Fr. Marcello Ghirlando OFM.

For this centenary celebration also present was the Mother General of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Ivrea, Mother Palma Porro. Different communities of Religious Sisters were also present for the celebration, namely the Polish Franciscan Sisters, Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus who work in Benghasi, the Franciscan Missionaries of the Infant Jesus who work in El Merj, the Ursuline Sisters of ther Sacred Heart who work in Beida and who were accompanied by two Indian Sisters who have arrived recently in Beida to takeover from the Ursuline Sisters.

The centenary Mass of thanksgiving was celebrated in a packed Church that expressed the deep feelings of gratitude of the Catholic community. During the entrance procession the Apostolic Nuncio blessed the restoration works that had taken place in the Church, works which were concluded only a few days before. The two choirs of this community animated the singing during this festive celebration: the Immaculata Choir made up of Filipinos, and the St. Charles Lwanga Choir made up of English and French speaking Africans.

Mgr. Caputo voiced his gratitude to the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. He reiterated the Pope Benedict’s closeness to the Church in Libya, reminding the congregation that a few minutes before the beginning of the celebration, he had put the nuns in contact with the Pope’s personal secretary, Mgr. Alfred Xuereb, who had promised to convey their message to the Pontiff during his afternoon walk.

The international presence was expressed during the Prayers of the Faithful. Prayers were offered up in different languages: Italian, Polish, Tagalo, French and English, Arabic, as well as prayers with languages used in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The Mass was brought to an end by the joyful singing of the Magnificat led by the Sisters of Ivrea. At the end flowers and gifts were offered by the Catholic community to the Nuns and to the celebrants of the Mass as a sign of gratitude before all enjoyed a festive meal offered by the different communities in the open space in front of the Church of the Immaculate Conception.