
September 11, 2013
Inter-Franciscan Retreat and Renewal of Vows

Between the 2nd and the 6th of September, our students were doing their annual retreat in preparation for their renewal of vows.

As part of it’s initiatives for the Year of Faith, our Province invited the Conventual and the Capuchin Maltese temporary professed to participate in this years retreat, and the idea was welcomed by their Provincials. The retreat was held at the Porziuncola, our retreat house in Bahar ic-Caghaq, and was described as a very beautiful experience. The preacher was Fr. Alex Refalo from Gozo.

After a week of prayer, spiritual inputs, reflection and sharing, our Minister Provincial Fr. Sandro Overend celebrated the closing mass during which our temporary professed; Friars Clive Camilleri and Ramon Farrugia renewed their vows for the 2nd time.

Friars Clive and Ramon, joined the Franciscan Maltese Province as postulants in Rabat, Malta in September 2009. They did their year of novitiate at San Damiano in Assisi and their 1st Profession in Malta in September 2011. On Sunday 15th September they shall be given the Ministry of Lector during the 6.30pm mass at St. Mary of the Angels Church in Bahar ic-Caghaq.

They will return to Rome to start their 3rd year of studies at the Pontifical University Antonianum on the 1st of October. Let us keep them in our prayers.