
September 22, 2014
Blessing of the new “Canticle of Creatures” stained glass

As part of the Franciscan Vocations weekend, on the 20th September, during an evening for benefactors at our Friary in Rabat, the Minister Provincial Fr. Richard S. Grech OFM, blessed a new stained glass window which was placed at the entrance of the area which houses our candidates and friars in initial formation. This work of art depicts the “Canticle of Creatures” composed by St. Francis himself and the idea of having it made was to continue to create a beautiful environment which helps reflection and discernment.

Artist Louis Briffa has given us the following interpretation of his project;

“The original design was inspired from the Canticle of Creatures of St. Francis of Assisi. The sun, the moon, the stars, the wind, the water, the fire and the land that bears friut represented by the tree, are all direct references to the Canticle.

Apart of the direct meaning from the Canticle, the tree has another meaning which I will explain. The trunk together with the two branches on opposite sides form the Franciscan TAU; the trunk represents the Order of Friars Minor, and the two branches represent the Order of St. Clare and the Secular Franciscan Order. The leaves are designed to be identical, portraying the sense of minority as all members of the three Franciscan Orders, inspite of having different roles and responsabilities, are equally important.

When creating my design, apart of the inspiration from the Canticle, I wanted to portray the radical reform that St. Francis made in the Church through the example of his life. I also wanted to portray the sense of harmony with which he did so. By making use of long soft lines, with which I designed the wind, the sun and the fire I wanted to express all that I have just mentioned; a sense of reform in harmony.

The window has about 190 pieces of glass moulded with lead. My wish is that whoever looks at this window feels the desire to humbly praise God for the beauty of Creation.