
October 20, 2014
New Parish Priest sworn in

On Tuesday the 30th of September, 2014 at 6.15pm, during a concelebrated Mass presided by His Grace Msgr. Paul Cremona O.P. Archbishop of Malta, Rev. Fr. Alex Borg ofm was sworn in as Parish Priest of our Sacro Cuor Parish in Sliema, in the presence of a sizeable congregation made up of parishioners and members of different parish groups, amongst which the Parish Pastoral Council led by Mr. Patrick Spiteri moderator, the Parish Feasts Commission led by Mr. Josef Vella President, the President Mr. Jesmond Vella and Committee members of the Sliema Phiharmonic Society Band Club and others.

Particular mention is made of the participation of the parish choir under the direction of Rev. Fr. Paul Galea ofm, Guardian of the Sliema fraternity, the guitar music ministry group and the altar servers led by Mr. Tony Terribile. This is the second time that Rev. Fr. Alex ofm is serving as Parish Priest at Sacro Cuor Parish. There was also a good number of concelebrants, both friars and other members of the clergy and parish priests of neighbouring Sliema Parishes. A reception was held afterwards at the Sliema Philharmonic Society Band Club.