
November 14, 2014
History In Pictures 1

This photo depicts a number of friars, some of whom are still with us, others the Lord has called to eternal life.
As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the foundation of our province it is rightful to remember all those
friars who have helped forge our province throughout the years. We are very grateful to them and their work,
mindful of the fact that we owe them so much, and mindful also of our responsibility to pass on to those
after us what these have passed on to us.

If anyone can remember the place and the occasion that this photo depicts and who the man in the middle
in the front row is, or even recognise these friars, it would be greatly appreciated if one would share with us
in the comments section.

It would also be greatly appreciated were one to send also other photos of the sort whereby we would be
able to reminisce the days/years gone by. Thank you one and all for your co-operation.