
March 06, 2015
A word of thanks to Fr. George

Just before concluding his 5 year term working at the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Fr. George Bugeja, ofm received a word of thanks for his time and dedication by the Prefect of the Congregation His Eminence Cardinal Fernando Filoni:

“Your term of office at the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples is nearing completion.

I would, therefore, like to express the heartfelt appreciation of this Missionary Dicastery for your valuable collaboration in the service of the Church in missionary lands. As a true son of Saint Francis of Assisi, you showed yourself to be a fine Religious and faithful Priest. Thank you for your personal witness to authentic Religious Life and for your zeal and commitment to the Work of the missions. Your joyful disposition was also always well received by those with whom you collaborated.

As you now move on to ministry on the island of Gozo in your native Malta, please be assured of the prayers, best wishes, and spiritual closeness of everyone at Propaganda Fide. May the Blessed Mother and the Seraphic Father intercede for you, as I invoke abundant blessings on you and your future ministry!”

see letter below: