
July 15, 2007
FSC: Franciscans And The Motu Proprio «Summorum Pontificum»

Pope Benedict XVIThe publication of the Apostolic Letter “Summorum Pontificum” by Benedict XVI on 7th July has already been a source of intense debate in the Church and outside the Church.

The pastoral implications of such a document are many, as well as its impact on Church reform and unity. The paper intends to discuss the effects of this papal document in the Franciscan family, with a historical analysis of the great role that the Franciscan friars have always had in promoting genuine liturgical reform in the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church. Since the time of Saint Francis and the Fourth Lateran Council, the Franciscan Order has moved on along with the Church in promoting reform. It still feels this to be its duty in this period following upon the Second Vatican Council. The liturgy is an important tool for evangelisation, and thus the Franciscan Order must ask itself whether it can advise its priests regarding their options in celebrating Mass, as these have been laid down in “Summorum Pontificum”.

The paper does not intend to provide any ready-made answers. It is just an effort to provide food for thought in our fraternities.

To read Paper go to ‘Franciscan Studies Corner’ on the right side.