
June 16, 2015
Min Prov.: General Chapter is over, life in our Province has to go on!

Good to be back home. After a month long celebration of the General Chapter of the Order in Assisi, it is great to be back home. It has proved to be a memorable experience of a universal brotherhood. Brothers from all over the world unite to pray together, to discern together and to decide together the way forward for our Order and our entities spread throughout the world. We were 125 capitulars, some Provincials some Custos. There was a compliment also of some 40 or so friars who were there as translators etc. Among them there was our Fr. Joseph Magro ofm, responsible of the Communications Office of the Order. He was always on the go, keeping contact with everybody through the website of the General Chapter, either by bringing up photos and recorded videos of proceedings, or by live streaming. He is an asset and we are very proud of him.

Now that the General Chapter is over, life in our Province has to go on. I am pleased to inform you all that during our Provincial Definitorium meeting held in Rabat last Friday, the 12th of June ofm, it has been decided to go on with the project of Porziuncola Retreat House which is being transformed into a Franciscan Centre which offers a wider range of services to whoever comes to us. Further information will be given as we approach the launching date of the 1st of October, 2015. I am also happy to inform you that Br. Ramon Farrugia ofm, currently studying in Rome, will be doing his Solemn Profession in Attard, Malta on the 7th of September, 2015. Moreover, following the success of last April’s Provincial outing, Fr. Marcellino Micallef ofm our Provincial Vicar, is organising another Provincial outing for the 3rd of August, 2015. Please do keep these dates free, that we may be able to celebrate being together. More information will be given as we approach the events.

During the last Provincial Definitorium meeting, it was decided to go ahead with the joint project with Youth Alive Foundation regarding the use of Dar Frate Francesco in B’Kara for youths with social and other problems. It will be a concrete way of showing solidarity with the same, by making the premises freely available. A gentle reminder for the Zjara Frangiskana to be held between the 22nd and the 30th of August 2015 at Iklin Parish. Many thanks go to Fr. Walter Vassallo ofm the co-ordinator and all those involved. I urge as many friars as possible to contribute to the success of this yearly event. Finally may I remind one and all of the forthcoming year retreats. I do hope and pray that we all understand the need and avail ourselves of the opportunity to spend some good quality time together in the Lord’s company. Great efforts have been made by the Director of the Retreat House Fr. Stephen Sciberras ofm to offer us the best. Our presence and participation is one way of showing him our appreciation towards him and all the hardworking staff at Porziuncola Retreat House.

While I wish you all the very best for the Summer, I would like to inform you that I will be doing another fraternal visit to the friars and that after the celebration of the feast of St. Francis in October, we will hold a joint Provincial Definitorium and Guardians meeting and start the Canonical Visitation of the friars immediately afterwards. While more information will be given later on, I suggest that everybody makes sure that all administration books be in order and ready in time for the Canonical Visitation.

Fraternal greetings to one and all.

Your Minister and Servant,

Fr. Richard ofm