
October 16, 2007
Fr. Marcello in Congress for Moderators of Ongoing

evangium observareFr. Marcello Ghirlando is currently participating in the second International Congress for Moderators of Ongoing Formation. Fr. Marcello is responsible for the on-going formation of our Franciscan Province.
The theme that the Order chose for the congress is “Evangelium Observare” (Observe the Gospel). This theme is being discussed also in conjunction with the itineraries of initial and on-going formation that the Order has taken in recent years. In today’s world, the area of Ongoing Formation constitutes the greatest challenge for a profound and lasting renewal of
religious life.

It was in this spirit that the General Chapter of 2003 asked the General Secretariat for Formation and Studies to “convoke all those entrusted with Ongoing Formation to formative meetings” (LgP, proposal 7) during the six-year period. The same Chapter requested all the Entities to “redact and put into practice an ongoing formation project that includes the whole existence of the person and should pay special attention to the formation of Guardians…, to the accompaniment of the Friars after their solemn profession… [which] should span five to ten years” (LgP, proposal 32).

The priority of Ongoing Formation and the difficulties of promoting it in a way that would be really influential in personal and fraternal life, has pushed the General Definitory into promoting an international meeting in order to ask ourselves precisely about these demanding topics.

Fr. Marcello
Fr. marcello Moderator
Fr. marcello Moderator
Fr. marcello Moderator