
November 01, 2015
12th General Assembly of UFME

From the 18 to the 24th October, Fr. Marcellino Micallef, OFM Vicar Provincial attended the XII UFME General Assembly, with the theme: “On the streets of Europe with Maria Regina Pacis” in Dubrovnik – Croazia.

The Ministers, Custodians and delegates of the OFM Conferences present in Europe and three general Definitors appointed for Europe, have gathered for the 12th General Assembly of UFME. In these days of fraternity and grace the Lord has been enlightening and helping those present to become more aware of the evangelising mission of friars minor on the European Continent, in diversity and complementarity of gifts and tasks of each one of us.

In accordance with the words of the Minister General, fr. Michael Perry, who has encouraged to take a moment and think to make an analysis focused on the mission and the goals of UFME in the future. Therefore, let us continue to believe in and promote, in unity with the General Definitory, various forms initiatives in order to:

– elaborate on our common vocation
– share what we learn about our Entities
– search for new models and strategies in order to achieve collaboration projects
– grow in effort for the needs of the world today
– continue asking ourselves about the possible contribution of our spirituality in building the common European House

During the reading and approval of the final document they said that: “On the streets of Europe, that are full of millions of migrants today, with Mary Mother of Peace, we reaffirm our testimony of the Gospel fraternity in service to Man. We want to promote the culture of acceptance and solidarity with a pastoral concern for the immigrants, refugees and care for the needy. We do not only want to offer them the urgent material aid, but also bread of fraternity, wine of hope and oil of consolation that only Jesus Christ can grant. As we have said these days, we want to evangelise with our whole being, with our acts as well as our words: learning to receive our neighbours at the threshold of our own homes. Thus we will enter the school of mercy and join Jesus’ family that is born after listening to his Word and fulfillment of the will of God.”