
January 25, 2008 is 4 years old

our site 4 yrs oldOur web site today, 25th January 2008, Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul and patron saint of our province, is four years old. During these years we have been all the time providing information regarding every event of the Maltese Franciscan Province, together with pictures, audio and where possible video.

During this year, together with our website, we have included another two sites which make part of the Franciscan Province. These are: the web site on Franciscan Studies which is run by Fr. Noel Muscat OFM, and lately the new web site for “Ġesù il-Ħabib” Chapel. In the coming months we are preparing to offer full coverage of the provincial Chapter which is going to be held in mid-May. Also, during last year we have begin to provide the liturgical preparation in power point presentations which we hope to continue offering in the coming months together with other liturgical prayers.

When looking at the statistics of our site it is also encouraging, because the people who are visiting our site every month are increasing, with an average of 8000 visitors every month.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank all our visitors for their support.
