
February 18, 2006
Pilgrimage to Jordan and Holy Land

holylandcross.jpgThe Commissariat of the Holy land is preparing to organize a new pilgrimage.

This time the pilgrimage will cover not only the Sanctuaries in the Holy Land but also Jordan. The Pilgrimage will be held from the 17th to the 27th of April, and will be led by the Commissary of the Holy Land Fr. Twanny Chircop ofm. The two week pilgrimage will cover all the Holy Places in Israel and Palestine, as well as the archaeological and biblical sites of Jordan.

Fr. Twanny has already taken various pilgrimages to the Holy Land and visited Jordan a couple of times. This new experience by the Commissariat of the Holy Land in Malta is an open invitation to those who have special interest in the Holy Places, archaeology and History of the Bible. If you are interested, you can call the Commissary on 21242254