
September 30, 2016
The OFM Carbon Footprint Project

Every creature has to avail itself of environmental resources in order to function and live. However there is no doubt that humans as a species, are availing themselves more than their ‘fair share’ of the Earth’s resources at the determent not only of the Earth’s ecological supporting systems and services, but also with the result of global climate change.

This is undoubtedly an ethical and moral issue of critical importance as stated by various recent Popes’ and as made explicitly clear by the recent Encyclical, ‘Laudato Si’ of Pope Francis. The same Encyclical, points out the critical stage that humans are currently in and the urgent need for action and particularly for the Church to lead by example. Furthermore even at the highest levels of the General Curia OFM, several documents refer to the need for this moral obligation towards God’s creation (e.g. see Instrumentum Laboris for the 2015 General Chapter, and Care for Creation in the Daily Life of the Friars Minor, 2011).

One measure of how much environmental resources are being utilized by a particular person or organisation is the Carbon Footprint (CF). The CF is a measure of the ‘total sets of greenhouse emissions released directly or indirectly’ as a result of our activities. This CF is now sufficiently well developed as a concept to make it reliable as a quantitative indicator of the extent to which one is utilizing the Earth’s resources in a sustainable manner with the least possible impact on climate .

On a proposal submitted by the Peace Lab, Malta, the Franciscan Province (St. Paul the Apostle – Malta) will be taking the initiative to estimate its CF (covering all its current fraternities and convents and pastoral operations). This will be carried out by a technical team appointed by the Provincial and supported by the Peace Lab. This estimation is expected to be ready by early next year. To this effect, a memorandum of action has been official signed today Thursday 29th September 2016, at the St Mary of Jesus Friary, Valletta, by representatives of the Franciscan Province, the Peace Lab, and the Technical Team.

Then on the basis of such estimate, the Province will actively seek to reduce its CF by a stated amount and by a given date, through a clear long-term strategy and programme. All fraternities of the Province will take part in such a programme. This will not only enable it to fulfil its moral obligations towards God’s Creation, but also lead by example and contribute in a meaningful way towards Malta’s international obligations on Climate Change.

This is the manner in which the Franciscan Province in Malta, aims to turn the wise words of the Encyclical, ‘Laudato Si’, into meaningful action. Turning words into action, is the only way forward, under the guidance of Pope Francis, who carries the name of our Patron.