
April 01, 2008
The Archbishop in the Holy Land

Archbishop in Holy LandFr. Noel Muscat OFM reporting from Nazareth

The Archbishop Mgr. Paul Cremona OP is currently leading a diocesan pilgrimage to the Holy Land. The pilgrimage is organized by the Commissariate of the Holy Land in Malta. The Archbishop is accompanied by the three Ministers Provincial of the Franciscan Orders present in Malta, by four Franciscan spiritual guides, John Abela, Marcello Ghirlando, Twanny Chircop and Noel Muscat, and 168 pilgrims.

On Monday Mgr. Cremona presided over a Mass at the Annunciation Basilica in Nazareth. During the homily the Archbishop spoke about the humility of Jesus in his incarnation and about the obedience of Mary to the will of God. He stressed upon the need to imitate these virtues in the Christian life. The Archbishop also stopped to pray in various sanctuaries of the Holy Land, namely Mount Tabor, Mount Carmel in Haifa, Capharnahum, the Primacy of St. Peter and the Multiplication of Loaves in Tabgha, the Mount of Beatitudes, and Cana. On Tuesday the Archbishop led Mass at the Memorial of St. Peter in Capharnahum. His homily was centred upon the charismatic figure of St. Peter and upon the theme of the following of Christ. Mgr. Cremona stressed upon four fundamental issues of Christian life, which are to be found in the life of Christ himself, namely, preaching of the Word, healing of the sick, liberation from evil, and commitment to prayer.

The first part of the pilgrimage is now over in Galilee. On Wednesday the pilgrims will transfer to the region of Judea and visit the shrines at Bethlehem and Jerusalem. We shall keep our readers regularly updated about the diocesan pilgrimage to the Holy Land, organized by the Franciscan Friars.

Archbishop in Holy Land
Archbishop in Holy Land
Archbishop in Holy Land
Archbishop in Holy Land
Archbishop in Holy Land