
May 23, 2017
Kapitlu Provinċjali 2017: Greeting from the Minister General

The Minister Provincial Fr. Richard S. Grech, OFM wrote to the Minister General Fr. Michael Perry, OFM on the celebration of the Provincial Chapter. On the other hand the Minster General wrote back with a message to open our hearts to attentive listening to God’s voice speaking through the many challenges facing the people of Malta.  Both emails below:

Dear Most Rev. Fr. Minister General,

May the risen Lord give you abundant Peace and Joy!

With God’s unfailing help and love today the friars of the Maltese Franciscan Province of St. Paul the Apostle start to celebrate the intermediate Provincial Chapter at Porziuncola Retreat House. We recommend ourselves, our Province and our efforts to your blessings and prayers.

It is very comforting for all of us to know that as we celebrate this important moment in the life of our Province, we have the constant awareness that we are being thought of and prayed for by you and that your prayers and blessings will accompany us along the way.

We look forward to the celebration of this Provincial Chapter with great enthusiasm and anticipation of the beautiful things to come. The very theme of the Chapter is “Gejjieni bil-Fiducja” best translated in Italian as “Un Futuro Con Fiducia”. As priorities for this Chapter we are concentrating primarily on Vocations, Community Life, Witnessing to the Gospel through a way of life that respects Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation amongst others.

While on behalf of all the friars gathered for the Chapter I extend to you our most fervent regards, we promise you our prayers and ask you blessing.
United in prayers, I remain
Obediently and fraternally yours in Francis
Richard OFM

My dear Brother Richard, Brothers of the Province of St. Paul the Apostle,

May the Lord give you peace!

As you prepare to go to Chapter, please know that I will remember you in prayer, that you might explore and deepen the theme you have chosen for this gathering: “Gejjieni bil-Fiducja!” The theme of trust is essential for our lives as Friars Minor – for our lives of prayer and devotion; for our lives in fraternity, trusting that God is present in the sacrament of each of the brothers; and trusting also that God is preparing the future for us, calling us to cast our nets into the deep. God also is calling us to develop new ways for presenting the Franciscan charism, and also the faith, as Pope Francis points out in Evangelii gaudium.

May the Spirit of God be with each of you and with all of the brothers of the Province. May you open your hearts to attentive listening to God’s voice speaking through the many challenges facing the people of Malta, the refugees and immigrants that have come to your country, and also the calling to reach out beyond the limits of your geographical boundaries to respond to the missionary calling of God. I also wish to thank the Province for the attention you are giving to our mission Vicariate in Libya.

The Lord bless you and keep you in His peace!

Bro. Michael A. Perry, OFM
Minister General and Servant