
June 10, 2008
Franciscan Friar takes part as Vatican Rapresentative for UN Meeting on Palestine

UN meetingFr. Marcello Ghirlando OFM took part as the official representative of the Holy See in the International Meeting on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, organised by the United Nations at the Dolmen Hotel, in Qawra, on 3 and 4 June. The theme of the meeting was: “Advancing the Peace Process – Challenges Facing the Parties.”

The objective of this meeting was that of promoting support on the part of the international community, in favour of the peace process between Israel and Palestine, in view of finding a permanent and final solution. The participants discussed the issues still obstructing the peace process, including the building and extension of Jewish settlements in the occupied territories of the West Bank, and the need for the two parties to respect the process for peace as laid down in the Road Map. One of the core problems for the Palestinian people remains the issue of a permanent solution for the status of Jerusalem.

The meeting was opened by Dr. Tonio Borg, Minister for Foreign Affairs, who spoke about the strategic importance of Malta in the issue of stability in the Mediterranean region. He said that Malta supports the final agreement of a two-state solution, in which Israel and Palestine can exist peacefully side by side, and enjoy security and territorial integrity.

A message from the General Secretary of the UN was read out by Mr. Maxwell Gaylard. Members of the Parliament of the Palestinian Authority also delivered speeches.

Another speech was that delivered by Dr. Guido de Marco, President Emeritus of Malta, on the peace initiative by Euro-Med countries.

Ms. Hagit Ofran, Director of Settlement Watch Project of Peace Now Organisation in Jerusalem also spoke about the problem of Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

The participation of Fr. Marcello Ghirlando was a sign of the importance that the Holy See attaches to the Franciscans who are the Custodians of the Holy Land, and who fully understand the social and political implications of the Palestinian problem and of Israeli right for self-determination. Fr. Marcello has studied in the Holy Land and been Commissary for the Holy Land between 1997-2003.