
March 23, 2006
Gozo Bishop to make second Fraternal Visit

gozobishop1.jpgOn 18 April, Mgr. Mario Grech, the newly consecrated Bishop of Gozo, is to conduct a second fraternal visit to the community which gathers in the Franciscan church of Saint Anthony in Ghajnsielem, Gozo. The scope of the visitation is to delve more deeply in the pastoral activity of the friars and to have more time to talk with the faithful.The programme will begin at 11.45 am, when Mgr. Grech will arrive at the Franciscan friary and will be met by the Guardian and the friars. After prayers with the fraternity he will have lunch with the friars. Later on he will talk privately with all the Franciscan friars. At 5.15 pm he will meet the members of the Secular Franciscan Order and the Piccola Famiglia Francescana (PFF). He will also dedicate some time to visit the sick in their homes.

At 7 pm the Bishop will solemnly enter the church of Saint Anthony and preside over a concelebrated Mass with the friars and faithful. A reception will follow in the friary and finally Bishop Grech will meet the Franciscan Youths (GIFRA).