
April 15, 2006
L-Art Imqaddsa Revamped

L-Art ImqaddsaThe first issue of the 2006 editions of the biblical review “L-Art Imqaddsa” is being posted in these days. “L-Art Imqaddsa” (Holy Land) is a quarterly biblical review published by the Commissariate of the Holy Land in Malta.It has now been revamped with more pages and is being printed in full colour. It contains articles on the Bible and the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land. In the new edition we have introduced a section entitled “Il-Bibbja f’idejna” (The Bible in our hands). This part contains articles which have up till now been published every month in separate leaflets. The Editorial Board of the review is made up of Frs. Twanny Chircop OFM, Marcello Ghirlando OFM, Noel Muscat OFM and Joseph B. Xuereb OFM, all experts in their respective fields.If you wish to subscribe to this magazine which is published in the Maltese language just send an email to the commissary of the Holy Land at or write to the following address: Commissariat of the Holy Land, 8. St. Lucia Street, Valletta Malta.