
December 04, 2008
Fr. George appointed in the Ecclesiastical Tribunal

Fr. George Bugeja OFMHis Excellency Mons. Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo, has asked Fr George Bugeja OFM to give a helping hand in the Gozo Ecclesiastical Tribunal. His work would be that of an auditor. From the instruction to be observed by Diocesan and Interdiocesan Tribunals in handling causes of Nullity of Marriage Dignitas Connubii

Art. 50 – § 1. The praeses of the tribunal can designate an auditor to carry out the instruction of the cause, selecting him either from among the judges of the tribunal or from among the persons approved by the Diocesan Bishop for this function (cf. can. 1428, § 1).

§ 2. The Diocesan Bishop can approve for his diocese for the function of auditor clerics or laypersons who are outstanding for their upright life, prudence and learning (cf. can. 1428, § 2).

§ 3. It pertains to the auditor, according to the mandate of the judge, only to collect the proofs and give them to the judge; however, unless the mandate of the judge provides otherwise, he can also decide in the interim what proofs are to be collected and how they are to be collected, if the question should happen to arise while he is carrying out this function (cf. can 1428, § 3).