
April 19, 2006
Gozo Bishop Pays second visit to Franciscans

bishopgoOn 18th April, the Bishop of Gozo, Mgr. Mario Grech, paid a second visit to the Franciscan fraternity of Saint Anthony’s Church in Ghajnsielem, as well as to the Christian community which prays in this church.This year marks the 100th anniversary of the blessing and inauguration of St. Anthony’s Church. Mgr. Grech arrived at noon, and was greeted by a good number of persons on the church parvis. After an informal chat with the people who gathered to greet him, the Bishop entered the friary, where he was welcomed by the Guardian, Fr. Raymond Camilleri, as well as by the Minister Provincial, Fr. Paul Galea, and all the friars of the community. The Bishop then joined the friars for a fraternal meal.In the afternoon Mgr. Grech met the altar servers and the members of the choir of the church. They presented a mime on the resurrection of Christ and on the lack of faith of Saint Thomas. After this, the Bishop went to visit the elderly and sick people living in the environs of Saint Anthony’s Church. This visit was appreciated by the locals, who showed their fondness of the Bishop as well as of the Franciscan community which serves them.

Back in the Church, the Bishop then presided over a concelebrated Mass at 7.15 pm, to which all the local community participated. After Mass everybody was invited for refreshments, and had the opportunity to meet the newly-ordained Bishop. The Bishop was then taken for a visit to the festa decorations storeroom, where preparations are in full swing for the local festa of Saint Anthony of Padova.
