
February 11, 2008
Gozo SeminaryThis week the Seminarians of the Gozo Diocese are on pilgrimage to the Holy Land, together with Bishop Mario Grech, at the conclusion of their first semester of Theological studies, in which they attend courses on Holy Scripture.   (more…)

February 11, 2008
Provincial Chapter 2008 logo smFr. Austin McCormack, Visitator General, in a letter sent to every professed friar of the Maltese Franciscan Province, convoked the Provincial Chapter for mid-May. (more…)

February 07, 2008
Bush with Franciscan FriarsThe February 2008 issue of “L-Aħbar” is again online as usual. It contains various news items and articles regarding our province and the Franciscan Order. (more…)

January 25, 2008
our site 4 yrs oldOur web site today, 25th January 2008, Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul and patron saint of our province, is four years old. During these years we have been all the time providing information regarding every event of the Maltese Franciscan Province, (more…)

January 23, 2008
bishopbenghazi.jpgDuring these days Mgr. Sylvester Magro OFM, Maltese Franciscan Bishop in Benghazi, together with various Bishops from North Africa, together with there respective general vicars, are arriving in Malta for a four day Conference. (more…)