
July 29, 2007
Franciscan Seminary On 24th July, the Franciscan Seminary in Rabat was officially blessed by the Minister Provincial. This was after nearly a month of ongoing work in the electrical system, water and plastering of all walls. (more…)

July 18, 2007
marcellinogwatemala.jpgFr. Marcellino Micallef, spiritual Director of the Mission Fund is once again going to Guatemala to help in a project there.  In the last 16 years the Mission fund helped to construct different projects in Africa, Central America and South America with the help of the Maltese people. (more…)

July 15, 2007
Pope Benedict XVIThe publication of the Apostolic Letter "Summorum Pontificum" by Benedict XVI on 7th July has already been a source of intense debate in the Church and outside the Church. (more…)

June 28, 2007
L-Aħbar NewsletterThe July 2007 issue of “L-Aħbar” is again online as usual. It contains various news items and articles regarding our province and the Franciscan Order. (more…)

June 14, 2007
xolseminarju.jpgDuring these days, the Franciscan Seminary in Rabat is passing through a refurbishment process. This includes a new electrical installation, new plumbing for water in every room, and finally the redocration of all the rooms and corridor. (more…)