
May 27, 2011
On the 27th May, a vigil of prayers was held at the Bishops Seminary in victoria Gozo in preparation for the ordination, of Fr Stephen Magro OFM, as a Priest.  At 9:00pm a vigil of prayers, which was presided by the Seminary Rector Fr. Daniel Xerri. The vigil consisted of prayers, including psalms, gospel readings, and a pray experience by two seminarians and a concluding message by the Bishop. (more…)

May 25, 2011
Richard Stanely Grech ofm has been appointed parish priest of Sacro Cuor parish in Sliema.  He served in the Franciscan community in Rabat before working in Australia. (more…)

May 13, 2011
Being the last day of the Provincial Chapter, the celebration of the Eucharist was held at 9.30pm.  The Provincial Minister was the main celebrant with all other Friars celebrating with him.  Holy Eucharist was celebrated in honour of the Blessed Mary of Fatima.  During his initial message the Provincial Minister invited everyone to pray for the repose of the souls of Friars who have passed away including the last loss – that of Fr John Abela.  He invited us also to pray for the ‘English Speaking Conference’ to whom he had promised our prayers during our Provincial Chapter. (more…)

May 12, 2011
After three days of meetings and helped by special guests, we were helped to understand our mission in today’s world.  These special guests were: Mgr. Paul Cremona (first meeting), Sr. Rose Therese Ellis OSC (second meeting), and Dr. Joseph Ferriggi (third meeting).  We are now presenting these speches in an Audio Format. (more…)

May 12, 2011
The day started with the usual time for prayer.  As on previous days, the roll call was held followed by the reading of yesterday’s minutes. These were read and approved.  On this particular day, the main guest and speaker were: Dr. Joseph Ferriggi MD who spoke mainly on the role of the Franciscan Friar in the society we live in, with all its renovations and esigencies. On the other hand, Fr Francesco Antonelli OFM was to help us with the analysis and update of our ‘Particular statutes’ which make part of our established rules and which provide us with a policy that can be followed. (more…)