
April 17, 2006
pasquettaOn Easter Monday, 17 April, the Franciscan Province organized an outing for all the friars. In fact, a good number of friars met together to enjoy this sunny day of rest after the hectic Easter celebrations. (more…)

April 15, 2006
ofmissionsThe Secretariat for Evangelization and Franciscan Missions of the Maltese Franciscan Province is launching its new website: The website is being updated regularly by Fr. Lorrie Zerafa OFM, responsible for the Secretariat. (more…)

April 15, 2006

L-Art ImqaddsaThe first issue of the 2006 editions of the biblical review "L-Art Imqaddsa" is being posted in these days. "L-Art Imqaddsa" (Holy Land) is a quarterly biblical review published by the Commissariate of the Holy Land in Malta. (more…)


April 14, 2006
processionThe two Franciscan churches of Saint Mary of Jesus (Ta' Giezu) in Valletta and Rabat are the venues of traditional processions with statues and biblical pageants related to the Passion of Christ. The Valletta procession as we know it today is the oldest one in the Maltese islands, dating from 1646, while the Rabat procession also contains some statues which date to the 17th century. (more…)

April 06, 2006
imsallbinIMSALLBIN ( crucified ) is the new original play by John Abela ofm which SKENE will be presenting at Metanoia Theatre (Luqa) for this year's Holy Week. It will be staged on Saturday 8th, Sunday 9th, Wednesday 12th and Sunday 16th April 2006 at 7.30pm. This is Fr. John's 18th play for Holy Week! (more…)